Monday, November 26, 2012

"The Convertible" - The Belt That Longed to be a Necklace Too.

I think I have as many belts as I do shoes, necklaces, purses, hats...  *a long trailing list continues...*

I am always layering up accessories close to the point of too much, but I know when to stop.  ;)

I was inspired by a belt I had seen at a festival and I thought, hmmm...  I could make that, why should I buy it?  So!  I went to the nearest market in search of some good quality chain to attempt my first "layered" belt.  With a wonderful pile of shiny, new chain, I set myself to work and came up with this:

After trying it on, I thought about it a little and realized it would *also* make a wonderful necklace.

I have since this first sample made 3 more variations including gold chain as well as the silver and black featured here.  Somehow it came to my mind that it should be called "The Convertible".  It kinda stuck.  :)

Stay tuned...  I also have a wonderful idea for a body harness...  :3


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