Monday, November 26, 2012

For Men Also!!! (Bookmarks & Keychains)

I find when I am selling my pendants at markets, a lot of men look at them too, and seem quite interested.  Sometimes I think it's only that they like the photos or possibly they are thinking of a friend, partner or relative.  So!  I decided to think about other ways I can attract a male audience with these double-sided pendants.  This is what I came up with:

Bookmarks (however, these are rather feminine...  sorry guys!  I can make them unisex too!

As well I thought that keychains might be a nice idea for both men and women.  I had made a few as gifts in the past, so I thought I'd try it again:

My friend requested a custom keychain from me using his own images.  Here are both sides:

Once again, if you have any thoughts or ideas for making your own special bookmark or keychain, please do not hesitate to contact me here, on Etsy or DaWanda.


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